With the decline of logging, the economic future of Solomon Islands will depend on investment and growth in other sectors, including tourism. Tourism offers a key opportunity for job creation, but is hampered by challenges related to securing land for investment, establishing an attractive environment for investment, and limited government capacity to facilitate investment. Without a coordinated and committed effort to grow the tourism sector, Solomon Islands will likely continue its dependency on natural resource extraction, which limits diversification and promotes a more fragile social contract between the state and its citizens.
This project aims to address land access and investment facilitation issues that have prevented Solomon Islands from realizing its potential in the tourism sector. The land access activity will increase government capacity to identify registered land capable of attracting tourism investment and help potential investors succeed by obtaining “social license” with neighboring communities to ensure tenure security. The project will assist local communities to ensure inclusive land governance, promoting tenure security and benefit sharing from tourism investments.
The investment facilitation activity will collaborate with the government to develop a portfolio of land parcels with potential opportunities for responsible investors. The project will also enhance the government’s capacity to respond to investor needs and identify potential projects that could yield the greatest benefit to Solomon Islanders by fostering local economic growth, including the expansion of employment and entrepreneurship opportunities.
Building governance reform capacity in the tourism and land sectors will deepen project sustainability and country ownership, enabling tourism to become a driver of growth in Solomon Islands.